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Must-See Keynote:
Top 7 Trends in Photonics 2021:
From Industrial Manufacturing to Quantum Computing
Jose Pozo of EPIC (European Photonics Industry Consortium) will identify business opportunities in these key areas of the photonics industry:
- Automotive. How LiDAR technologies and SPADs are changing the industry.
- Medical. How quickly evolving tools and supply chains are impacting the regulatory environment and reducing time-to-market.
- Mid-infrared range technologies. How quantum cascade lasers are enabling new mid-infrared applications from security to environmental monitoring.
- Laser welding. The impact of green wavelengths on laser welding of copper.
- Quantum computing. How quantum technologies are advancing quantum computing and impacting gravimeters and atomic clocks.
Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Jose Pozo is Director of Technology and Innovation at EPIC (European Photonics Industry Consortium), where he represents 700+ companies that are active in the field of photonics. He has 20 years of experience in photonics technology, market knowledge, and touts a large network within the industrial and academic photonics landscape.
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